Faculty Awards
- Arts and Sciences Foundation’s Distinguished Professorships is a database containing donor information and recipients for many of the College’s top professorships.
- Board of Governors Award for Excellence in Teaching is awarded to a faculty member from one of the 16 constituent institutions of the UNC system for outstanding undergraduate teaching.
- Chapman Family Teaching Awards were established to honor distinguished teaching of undergraduate students.
- Distinguished Teaching Awards for Post-Baccalaureate Instruction recognizes the important role of post-baccalaureate teaching.
- Edward Kidder Graham Award recognizes outstanding service by a member of the Voting Faculty. The award calls to remembrance President Graham’s ambition to “to make the campus co‐extensive with the boundaries of the State,” in the context of the University’s modern mission to extend knowledge‐based service world‐wide.
- Faculty Mentoring Awards recognize outstanding faculty members who go the extra mile to guide, mentor and lead undergraduate students, graduate students, or junior faculty.
- General Alumni Association Faculty Service Award honors faculty members who have performed outstanding service for the University or the alumni association.
- J. Carlyle Sitterson Award for Teaching First-Year Students recognizes excellence in freshman teaching by a tenured or tenure-track faculty member in the College of Arts and Sciences.
- Johnston Teaching Excellence Awards were created in 1991 to recognize excellence in undergraduate teaching.
- Junior Faculty Development Awards are internal fellowships that provide an opportunity for junior, untenured faculty to concentrate exclusively on advancing or completing an important professional or scholarly project.
- Mentor Award for Lifetime Achievement acknowledges a lifetime of contributions to a broad range of teaching and learning, particularly mentoring beyond the classroom.
- O. Max Gardner Award goes to “that member of the faculty of the Consolidated University of North Carolina, who, during the current scholastic year, has made the greatest contribution to the welfare of the human race.”
- Phillip and Ruth Hettleman Prizes for Artistic and Scholarly Achievement by Young Faculty recognizes scholarly and artistic achievement by junior tenure-track, or recently tenured, members of the faculty.
- School of Law Faculty Awards contains a listing of awards that recognize faculty members for their accomplishments in teaching, research and service to the School of Law.
- School of Medicine Academy of Educator Teaching Awards are designed to complement the existing teaching awards and to recognize the many faculty who excel in teaching, but may not be recognized currently because teaching is not their major focus and/or they do not play a leadership role in the curriculum.
- School of Medicine Awards and Distinguished Professorships contains a listing of awards that recognize faculty members for their accomplishments in teaching, research and patient care, as well as service to the School of Medicine.
- Senior Faculty Competitive Research and Scholarly Leave are internal fellowships that pay a full base salary for one semester or one-half of the base salary for the full academic year, including an addition research fund. Any full-time, salaried member of the faculty holding a tenured, tenure track, or fixed-term position at the associate or full professor level (or similar rank) is eligible.
- Student Undergraduate Teaching Awards recognize outstanding undergraduate instruction by both faculty and teaching assistants.
- Tanner Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching recognize excellence in inspirational teaching of undergraduate students, particularly first- and second-year students.
- Thomas Jefferson Award is presented annually to “that member of the academic community who through personal influence and performance of duty in teaching, writing, and scholarship has best exemplified the ideals and objectives of Thomas Jefferson.”
- William C. Friday/Class of 1986 Award for Excellence in Teaching was created by members of the 1986 graduating class to recognize members of the faculty who have exemplified excellence in inspirational teaching and is named in honor of William C. Friday, who devoted a lifetime of service to the University as President of the UNC system.