Public Affairs, Media Resources & Social Media
Faculty routinely fill important roles on committees and administrative bodies, making decisions that can impact personnel, educational policy and campus life. In some cases, faculty might be contacted by members of the press to comment on issues that are of concern to the campus and general public. The resources below contain information about campus news, communications resources and offices to contact if you have questions about responding to media inquiries.
- The Daily Tar Heel is the student newspaper at the UNC-Chapel Hill. The non-profit organization, which incorporated in 1989 as a separate legal entity from UNC, stopped taking student fees in 1993 and has since been fully funded by its advertising revenue, thus making it both fiscally and editorially independent.
- Endeavors is the online magazine of research and creative activity at UNC-Chapel Hill. Endeavors is published by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
- Office of University Counsel provides legal advice to the Board of Trustees, the Chancellor, the administration, faculty and staff on legal matters involving or affecting the institution; advises the University administration on a broad range of initiatives, policy matters and issues; and serves as a liaison between the University and its related and affiliated entities on legal and policy issues.
- Open Meetings Law generally requires that public business be conducted in public, with notification requirements prior to meetings so that the public may attend. For more detailed information, see Guidelines on Defining “Public Body” within the Meaning of the Open Meetings Act.
- Public Records Requests Policy defines what constitutes a “public record” and contains information about how public records requests are made and accommodated.
- Social Media at UNC has aggregated all of UNC’s social media accounts into a single location.
- UNC News Services compiles campus news, maintains the calendar of open meetings, and provides media guidelines. Faculty may contact the UNC News office for guidance about how to respond to media inquiries.
- The University Gazette is a University publication whose mission is to build a sense of campus community by communicating information relevant and vital to faculty and staff and to advance the University’s overall goals and messages. Faculty can submit news to the Gazette via an online form.