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Fixed term faculty represent a growing segment of UNC-Chapel Hill’s teaching, research, and clinical academic employees. As of Fall 2014, 48% of UNC’s 3667 faculty members were on fixed term contracts (not all of those faculty hold full-time appointments). The distribution varies across campus, however. Within Academic Affairs, 27% of faculty were on fixed term contracts, while in Health Affairs, 61% of faculty were on fixed term contracts.

The Office of Institutional Research and Assessment (OIRA) publishes relatively up to date information on Current Statistics about the entire university population and on employees by division.

In Summer 2014, the Fixed Term Faculty Committee undertook a survey on the experiences of fixed term faculty across UNC-Chapel Hill. Of 1749 faculty members, 878— 50%– responded.This survey was repeated in Fall 2019 (see 2019-2020 Annual Report of the Committee on Fixed-Term Faculty [PDF]).

Statistics on Fixed-Term Faculty at Carolina (from UNC’s HR Data Warehouse, November 2008):


Resolution 2014-10. On Authorizing the Title “Teaching Professor” for Fixed-Term Faculty in Substitution for the Title “Master Lecturer” (4/25/2014)

Resolution 2011-4. On Endorsing the Rank of Master Lecturer (4/15/2011)

Resolution 2007-7. On Membership of the Council Committee on Fixed-Term Faculty (04/22/2007)

Resolution 2006-6. On Fixed-Term Faculty (04/21/2006) Faculty Council Meeting Minutes (01/14/2005)

Resolution 2003-7. Responding to the Recommendations of the Task Force on Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure (03/28/2003)


March 2010 Report on Faculty Rank Titles Across Campus (generated by the Office of Faculty Governance from the HR Data Warehouse)

02/16/2010: Dean Karen Gil’s letter setting forth guidelines and a template for promotion of faculty from Lecturer to Senior Lecturer (deadline for promotion as of 07/01/2010 is March 15)

01/27/2010: Dean Karen Gil’s letter to Provost Bruce Carney with the Fall 2009 Report of the Arts and Sciences Committee to Develop Policies and Procedures for Fixed-Term Faculty (Committee chaired by Bill Andrews)

12/09/2009: Dean Karen Gil’s memo to College department and curriculum chairs and administrative managers regarding appointment and reappointment of fixed-term faculty.

From the UNC System Faculty Assembly: UNC Constituent Institution Responses to the Report of the Committee on Non-Tenure Track Faculty, September 2008

Report and Recommendations: Committee on Non-Tenure Track Faculty, Presented to the Personnel and Tenure Committee, UNC Board of Governors, 6 March 2002