Graduate Student Resources
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is one of the leading graduate research universities in the United States. As one of the most comprehensive universities in the nation, Carolina provides a breadth of study and interdisciplinary experience matched by few institutions. The Graduate School hosts more than 80 graduate programs. Support for graduate education plays a major role in its success as a research university.
Graduate Student Resources
- The Graduate Funding Information Center is a resource for graduate students seeking information on funding sources for independent research, collaborative projects, fellowships, program development and other scholarly activities.
- The Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG) is the arm of student government that represents all graduate and professional students.
- The Graduate School Professional Development Program provides a full range of training opportunities and resources to graduate students, preparing students for career success as innovative future leaders.
- The Graduate Student Center is designed to be a central space where graduate and professional students from all disciplines and departments on campus can come together.
Guidelines for Graduate Research
- The Graduate Catalog contains basic information about the doctoral-level and master’s-level programs in the Graduate School, including admissions standards and requirements, tuition and fees, financial aid information, academic and research resources and program and course descriptions.
- The Graduate School Handbook contains the policies and procedures of The Graduate School. Each student should become familiar with the material pertaining to his or her degree program, and, together with a faculty advisor, make certain that the chosen program of study complies with all policies.
- The Graduate School provides leadership to envision, shape and support the highest quality education for a diverse community of graduate students whose contributions will have global impact.