Course Development and Planning Resources
- Accessibility Resources and Service provides resources for faculty with tips on teaching for students with learning disabilities and sample language for syllabi.
- Canvas by Instructure is the campus’s main Learning Management System (LMS), providing an online space for courses listed in ConnectCarolina, non-credit training, and other instructional uses. Instructure offers resources on how to take advantage of Canvas’s features to enhance your course. While the LMS Sakai continues to be available for use at the University, it is being phased out; it is recommended that instructors transition to Canvas.
- The Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) provides faculty members support to excel as teachers, scholars, mentors, and leaders. The CFE tailors its programs and resources to meet the diverse needs of faculty members throughout all stages of their careers.
- The Office of Student Conduct provides resources related to the Honor System at Carolina. The Honor Code can be found in the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance. The Instrument is the University’s official document outlining the standards of behavior and methods of resolving allegations of misconduct by students. A resource page for faculty provides tips on how to encourage academic honesty in the classroom and how to report violations of the Honor Code.
- The Office for Undergraduate Research provides opportunities for undergraduates to engage in research and mentored scholarship through the Graduate Research Consultant Program, inquiry-based learning, and mentoring opportunities.
- Office of the University Registrar’s page includes the official academic calendars for each semester, including class start and end dates, final exam schedules, and holidays. It also features a compendium of University Policy Memorandums, which codify campus policies and procedures concerning course and student records.