Funding Opportunities
- Carolina Internal Funding Database provides information on internal sources of funds available from UNC-Chapel Hill.
- Funding Information Portal is a central repository of resources maintained by the Graduate Funding Information Center and the Office of Research Development that aids faculty, staff, postdoctoral scholars and graduate students in seeking information on funding sources for independent research, collaborative projects, fellowships, program development and other scholarly activities.
- Office of Research Development exists to expand the University of North Carolina’s capacity for innovative, groundbreaking research. Among other things, it facilitates the University’s selection process of Limited Submissions grants and awards.
- Partnering with UNC fosters mutually beneficial relationships between UNC scientists and corporate partners.
- UNC Office of Research Development (ORD) administers research- and project-related small grant funding to support the scientific, scholarly or artistic efforts of faculty, and to help pay the costs of publishing scientific, scholarly or artistic work.