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A Policy at UNC-Chapel Hill is a written statement that mandates, specifies or prohibits behavior in order to express basic values of the University, enhance the University’s mission, ensure coordinated compliance with applicable laws and regulations, promote operational efficiency, and/or reduce institutional risk.  The specific operational steps required to accomplish an action that necessitates specific instructions are referred to as procedures. Procedures may also provide guidance for behavior on issues that are not dictated by Policy.  In this section, employees will find more information regarding the University’s policies and procedures.

Faculty Job Expectations & Guidelines

Personnel Policies & Procedures

The Office of Academic Personnel in the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost is responsible for the administration of personnel policies, guidelines and procedures related to faculty at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This office has responsibility for reviewing and approving faculty appointments, reappointments, job changes, and salary actions and provides guidance and interpretation related to the appointment, promotion and tenure process.

See also the Human Resources’ Benefits page and the Faculty Handbook “benefits” section for more information on:

Personnel Policies & Procedures