Dispute Resolution Policies and Procedures
- University Ombuds Office serves as a safe place where faculty are welcome to come and talk in confidence about any campus issue, problem, or dispute; the office supplements, but does not replace, the University’s formal channels, such as the grievance policy.
- Equal Opportunity/ADA Office has primary responsibility for developing, implementing and executing policies and activities that arise from the University’s commitment to ensuring equitable treatment to all students and employees in regards to employment. The office maintains the Policy Statement on Non-Discrimination, the Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct Including Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment, Sexual Violence, Interpersonal Violence and Stalking, and the Policy on Non-Discrimination for Program Participants and the ADA Reasonable Accommodations in Employment Policy.
- Faculty Hearings Committee conducts hearings and make recommendations on decisions to suspend, demote or discharge a faculty member for cause and decisions not to reappoint a non-tenured tenure-track faculty member on the grounds of misconduct, incompetence of neglect of duties. The scope of the committee is to only hear appeals on two types of decisions.
- Faculty Grievance Committee is composed of faculty of all ranks to handle any grievance not within the jurisdiction of the Hearings Committee. Grievances typically involve alleged failure to follow established internal University, school, or departmental policies, unfavorable evaluations, and non-promotion to full professor. Policies and Procedures for the committee outline the committee’s charge, grievances covered by the committee and the appeal process. Questions regarding potential grievances should be directed to the chair(s) of the committee.